The Open Door of Delta Food Pantry
The Open Door of Delta Food Pantry located at 104 Monroe St in Delta, Ohio offers food, hygiene, paper products and cleaning supplies. We are open 5 days a week from 10 AM to 2 PM, others by appointment. We are a choice style pantry that allows individuals the ability to select items that will best stretch their resources. To help us with this process, and allow individuals to choose what they take, we assign a color to use when shopping. This color lets the shopper know how many items they can select from each section and a personal shopper is with them to answer any questions or assist.
Individuals coming in to get food in the pantry will need the following documents:
Valid Photo Identification
Proof of Income
Name, Address, Date of Birth of all individuals in the home
Household information
If you have any questions about the pantry, you can call 419-822-0199 or email
Our pantry operates on donations of food, hygiene, cleaning and paper products that we can offer in the pantry. Items can be dropped off during pantry hours at 104 Monroe Street Delta, Ohio
Choice Pantry
Kristene Clark, Executive Director of The Open Door, talks a little bit about our choice pantry
Need Assistance?
Please send us a message. Someone will be in contact with you.
You can also call 419.822.0199.